Youth on the Air

Team J62K is excited about promoting the YOTA (Youth on the Air) program. We are looking for young team players that are hams from the age of 18-30 for a “first time” experience operating in a Multi category environment. The thrill of never ending pile ups awaits you! Don’t delay and download the application to join us for the 2025 CQWW WPX SSB contest. (March 25 – April 1)

Once you’ve submitted your application members from the team will review each entry and select 1 or 2 young hams to join us. Deadline for submitting is July 15.

We’ll announce the selected applicants on August 1. This should give everything ample time in making travel plans.

Please pay attention to the application and complete all lines. You will be judged by the essay you submit. Tell us about yourself as well as your hobbies, Amateur Radio interest and how you became interested, contest experience, and what you hope to gain from this experience.

Send your application to

Photo:  Frans, J69DS and Grace, K8LG (ex-KE8RJU)

If you’re selected as a finalist you will be required to meet with the team via ZOOM teleconferencing for an in-person interview.

Download the application forms

Youth Application – Adobe .pdf

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